Your Zombie Survival Kit

of course there is all sorts of zombie apocalypse survival kits that companies have made that you can buy.   But if your a true outdoors man/woman and DIY specialist, you’ll probably want to make your own. Here is what i think the best DIY survival kit should consist of. -of course, your preferred weapon and…

The Word on Water

Sure you could go up to a week without eating much at all, you probably wont be feeling very well, but you can. However, it’s a different story for water. Without water, the human body can only last up to 3 days, and with 70% of the world being covered in water, of which only…

Where in the World?

When the days of death arrive, you either fight it or avoid it.  Avoiding it is typically the safest choice, and by avoiding it, I mean picking a spot and staying put to ride out the apocalypse to the end, whether it’s your end or the zombies’. Obviously, the zombies won’t be the only problem…

What’s your Weapon

There’s always been discussion and argument over which weapons would be the best to survive the zombie onslaught. Maybe you will choose to go with with melee weapons, if so, will they be blunt or sharp? Maybe you’d rather use firearms. Will your weapon be larger or smaller? Maybe you can’t decide whether to use…

Birth of the Undead

We all know the dead will take over one day and rip us apart limb by limb, but what exactly will conjure these flesh eaters? It’s not like one day we’re fine and *poof!* there’s a bunch of zombies everywhere. It may be a huge panic as everyone realizes they’re screwed, or it may quietly…

Apocalyptic Gardening

it’s important during the apocalypse that you can feed yourself, and gardens are a great way to do that. but, food isn’t the only thing you can grow to benefit yourself during the days of death. I’m sure when dooms day comes, even if you have plenty of food, you’re going to miss some of…

Living in the woods

During the zombie apocalypse, one might find themselves in the depths of the wilderness, or decide to live in the depths of the wilderness. Either way, you’re going to need to know how to thrive and protect yourself where the safety of the indoors is not an option. Don’t stay on the ground. Since the…

Which Apocalypse?

Will you be prepared for the zombie apocalypse? Really? So you know exactly how the zombie are going to behave? Now we all have an idea of the iconic zombie: rather slow, flesh eating, a little smelly, and attracted to loud noise. However, there really is no evidence on how the zombies are going to…

Your Dream Apocalypse Vehicles

If you’re the survivor whose plan isn’t to spend the rest of your life locked inside, or if you’re not fortunate enough to have your lifetime supplies by the time the dead rise, then you’re going to be out and about on supply runs. Traveling by foot only gets you so far, and what’s left…